Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all?

Most of us during our growing up years have heard this classic question. It would have been heard spoken by the wicked queen in the timeless Disney classic, “Snow White”.  Even as a grown man and a Pastor, I still enjoy watching a good fantasy movie. It allows me to slip into a place of imagination, forgetting the stress of this world; just for a moment. The other night I was flipping through the channels and ran across a remake of this remarkable tale. Quickly into the film, I heard these words “Mirror Mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all?”  I was reminded of the lessons I have been teaching at George Washington Carver school and at Antioch Church.  It is a lesson I myself need to be reminded of often. Who do I see when I look into the mirror? Or should I ask, how do I see myself when I look into the mirror. Although the queen was looking for physical beauty, what are you looking for, what do you see in the mirror?

What you see and what reality is may be quite different. What you see may come from the opinions of others or possibly the things that have happened to you in the past. But the reality is, you have been created in the image of Almighty God. Let me tell you, my Father in heaven is perfect and He never makes junk!  Just last week I read a passage to our congregation that certainly can be repeated, I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me, you are honored and I love you Isaiah 43:4b. Folks, this is the God of all creation speaking these words to you. Today, God is telling you, I have given my one and only Son to die for you because you are precious to me, you are honored and I love you!! Stop looking into the mirror and believing the lie, take up the words of your creator and find hope, joy, and acceptnce. How will you choose to respond to this awesome truth? The month of September has been another incredible month. God has revealed Himself in so many different ways throughout our congregation. Sunday, September 14th the power of God moved in and worked in the lives of many attending.  A young man that we have been praying for, was touched by the power of God’s love and decided to give his life to Jesus Christ.  Many others made decisions to rededicate and let go of things that were causing bondage in their lives. God is so good! What a privilege it is to serve Him.  None of this would be possible without the faithfulness of all of you who partner with Antioch.  Some of you have never even had the opportunity to experience life here in San Miguel.  But you have been faithful to pray and financially support the Lord’s work. Thank you so much! The Lord will bless your commitment.  Please continue to pray for God’s presence and power to freely move among us.  That His will be done and He will receive all of the glory!  Blessed be the Name of the Lord!!

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