We serve an awesome God and worthy of all praise!

June is a very special month for us at Antioch. It marks our anniversary as God called Tammy and I to this great city. On June 3rd, we will finish four incredible years of ministry with Antioch Church. There have been some ups and downs but I can truly say these years have been a tremendous blessing! This could not have been done without the prayers and support of all of you. God has used each one of you in a special way, thank you!

This last year has been incredible. Antioch has experienced incredible spiritual growth as well as numerical growth. God is faithful and we will continue to look to Him for guidance and strength. One of the greatest blessings taking place at Antioch is the strong unity and family atmosphere. Many first time visitors make comments concerning the love shown to one-another and to them as they visit. As the pastor of Antioch I am blessed to lead such a wonderful group of people. I have watched God transform the hearts, minds and the lives of so many attending. The people are excited in their faith and they want to see what God has next. Throughout the week I hear of different gatherings taking place among our folks. People are sharing the good news with friends and family, encouraging, teaching and praying for one another. It is incredible to be a part of this great fellowship!

Over this past year we have began translating the message during our service. We have a team of three folks sharing this responsibility. Most services we have two or three people needing translating. This is just one step of faith as Antioch moves forward working where God is working.

Again, I want to thank all of you who faithfully financially support and pray for Tammy, myself and our Antioch fellowship You are a part of our family and we are blessed to have you. Please continue to pray as we reach out to the other churches and pastors to bring unity throughout San Miguel. Only God can break the strongholds and barriers that stand in the way. Also, pray for Tammy and I, that we will remain strong and faithful as God uses us to reach this city with His truth and grace! We love all of  you and will continue to pray God’s blessings over you!

Free in Him,
Pastor Scott


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