Perfect Timing

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

If someone were to ask me; “Pastor Scott what is you life’s verse?”  This would have to be it!  So many times through my journey with God, He has led me to this verse. It is a promise that I believe and stand on with all of my heart.  I could give testimony after testimony of God’s faithfulness regarding this one verse.  I must confess, that it is not always easy to seek the things of God first nor living a righteous life.  I have found on many occasions that my flesh will cry out in direct opposition to what is right.  I am thankful for God’s grace and His timing.  In this verse above, God promises to give us EVERYTHING that we need.  But it will be according to His perfect knowledge and timing.  I am sure we all could share so many wonderful stories of God’s provision just at the right time.  I would like to share one of these events.

On January 14, 2012, I was on day seven of a 21 day fast. I began praying to our Father in heaven for a building so that Antioch could have more opportunities to reach out to the community of San Miguel.  Truth be told, I have prayed off and on since that time. Fast forward two years later January 2014.  During my 21 day fast this year, I felt it was going to be the year God would provide a building for Antioch.  It would be a year of growth and increase.  Therefore I began praying fervently, asking others to join me, and waiting with great expectation for God’s blessing.  On June 22nd I began a 40 day prayer journey through a book titled “Draw the Circle, The 40 day Prayer Challenge.”  Throughout the first week God woke me up countless times throughout the week before 3:00am convicting me of certain attitudes and behaviors but giving me the opportunity to repent and trust Him.  Then, on June 27th I began thanking and praising God for the property He would provide.  That afternoon Tammy and I were on our way to an appointment and saw our building. God began to put everything into place and doors were opening fast. He gave us favor with the owner and provided Antioch with an amazing piece of property.  All I can say is Blessed be the Lord, His mercy endured forever!! He is faithful and hears our prayers!

We will be meeting in our new building on July 20th at 10:30.  It is located at 52 Jacarandas La Lejona.  It is diagonal from Mega and one street up from Pollo Feliz.  Renting our own place of  worship is an incredible blessing from God, but it does create new opportunities to serve and give. We will need to purchase chairs, tables, paper products, paint, etc.  If you would like to give a special offering to help defer some of these costs, please feel free to give during our offering time at church or through our online giving. If you choose to give online with the link provided, please select a one time gift and follow the directions. (Please scroll down the page until you see Antioch Community Outreach) We will also need help cleaning, setting up, and moving. Please let us know your availability. I will be talking about this more in the Sunday service this Sunday.

God is faithful and He is true!  I am so excited to have the opportunity to lead this incredible community of believers and look forward to our future together.  I want to thank all of our prayer and support partners.  This is such an incredible blessing for Antioch and this community and we could not have done it without you!  May God continue to bless the works of your hands and may we together make a difference in His Kingdom.

Free in Him, Pastor Scott

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