Happy New year 3

Psalm 107:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His faithful love endures forever!!

Many times as we approach the New Year we are quick to look forward. There is nothing wrong with that, Paul even said, “forgetting those things that are behind you.” But I want to encourage you before you look forward to take a moment and look back. Look back and give thanks to God’s faithfulness in your life. I am sure that all of us can see the ups and downs we experienced but even in those circumstances God is GOODGod is always faithful according to His love and goodness. God is always watching out for your best interest and we need to thank Him for His everlasting care. I want to take a moment and thank God for His faithfulness, personally and in our church family.
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 I want to thank God and recognize that everything I have and  have done throughout this year is a gift from Him. He chose to bless me and use me not because of my talent or abilities but because of His power and presence in my life. I am grateful to my Father in heaven for His willingness to use simple, ordinary people like me. God has placed many wonderful people around Tammy and I in which I am extremely thankful for. God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with a helpmate in life and ministry! In 2015 I have watched my amazing bride step out in faith and do things that she never dreamed possible…all while trusting God and enjoying the journey. Throughout 2015 God has blessed Tammy and I financially through the wonderful gifts we have received from you. We consider all of our congregation and supporters partners in God’s work in San Miguel, thank you!!
The leadership, God has established at Antioch is made up of many wonderful folks that love the Lord and are serving His people. Because of your prayers and support, Antioch has seen over 25 people accept the Lord and be baptized into His new life this year. Someone’s name is written in the Lamb’s book of Life because of you. That is something to shout about! Praise be to God our Eternal Father! Antioch has had the privilege to meet the needs of many families in San Miguel, sharing God’s love and provision. We continue to grow in numbers but more importantly we are growing in Spirit. God’s love continues to pour out of the hearts and lives of our folks. Something that I cannot stop thanking God for is Antioch’s uniqueness. I have said this before but honestly I am always overwhelmed with this. God is bringing two completely different cultures together and creating a love between all of us for one-another. Seriously folks I have to believe that Antioch is just a little taste of what heaven is going to be like. Every tribe, tongue and nation praising our Lord and King, Jesus Christ! It is something that you must be present to experience, words will never fully describe it. It is according to His good will and grace any of this is possible. Let us never forget to look back and give God thanks for all He has done!!
Happy new year 5
Join me now as we prepare to enter 2016. On January 3rd, I along with our congregation will begin our 21 day fast, seeking God for His presence, power and direction in our lives. This will be my 6th year participating in a 21 day fast to begin the year. Without fail, God shows up not only during these 21 days but throughout the year. I believe that we have seen God’s hand work in many different ways due to our 21 day fast. I want to encourage you, join us as we seek the face of our Father. Please be in prayer for me and our people as we seek His face. In 2015 our theme was drawing to the Father. I believe this year God will be challenging us to love and serve one-another; to be His church, light, hands and feet to one-another and to our communities. It is time for the world to see the incarnation of Jesus Christ through His people. God is calling all of us into unity, service and love!! I look forward to watch how all of this plays out this year. It is my honor and privileged to lead a group of people for the glory of God’s Kingdom! I love all of you and I thank God for your faithfulness!
Happy New Year, May our God of all creation bless you with a deeper knowledge of His love towards you and may you grow in His will for you and serve others faithfully in love!

Our Antioch news will be going out four times a year starting in 2016. A newsletter in the New Year, Spring, Summer and Fall. If you would like to add anything to the next newsletter, please submit your information to Tammy at:  antiochsma@gmail.com


It’s time to update. If your information has changed please send us the updated information to our email. If you have never been apart of the directory please email the following information to Tammy: Name, address, telephone, cell, email address. If you have a business or ministry, please send your name of business, email, telephone and website if you have one. This is a great way to keep in touch. We update twice a year. The new directory will be published January 25th, so get your info in soon!


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We had the best time together swapping last year ladies. If you missed it you will want to attend. We will be swapping again this year on January 30th at the church. It starts at 2:00pm. Please sign-up on the information table if you plan to attend. This year it will be a potluck and there is a sign-up for that too. Get your items in soon to Tammy. We will have a devotion, fellowship and then swap till you drop!!


Our prayer page is down on the website. If you have a prayer request, please submit it to our email address and we will get it out as soon as possible.


Our 21 day fast will begin on January 3rd of this year. Here is a resource that will help you on your fasting journey over at Kingdom connections. Fasting Resource. If you have decided not to fast this year, please pray for Pastor Scott and the others who will be on the fasting journey. We will be posting scriptures to the Facebook page for those of you following along.

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From time to time we post updates to the blog section of the website. This is how you can keep in touch with us in between newsletters. If you missed a Sunday message they are recorded most weeks here on the website.

Website: antiochcommunityoutreach.com — All of our information is here. If you need information for an event it is updated daily with times and information.

Email: antiochsma@gmail.com — Contact us anytime!

Follow us on Facebook — We post so many pictures and updates here. Don’t forget to hit the “Like” button at the top of the page to follow us.

Categories: NEWS